Let's relax your bodies now and take a look at our King of Bananas!
MMF2043, 8th of October, Monday morning, FOE Building.
Everyone was excited to see Rong holding a bunch of yellow bananas.
But then seriously it feels freaky to hide the bananas from Mr. Woo!
We signed and laughed before entering the exam room.
For some reasons our friend Alireza looked quite serious.
After awhile, the exam's over.
Mr. Woo looked kinda sad when we're leaving the room.
As for surprise, we shyly handed those cute looking bananas to him.
I'm glad Shin's dream to become a Princess has finally come true.
(You really should click on the photo to see how happy she was)
For a moment we saw Khai behaved even happier than Mr. Woo.
Later on, our photographer caught Mr. Woo in the act.
(Carlyn, Shin and Rong were the lucky victim 1+ 2+ 3)
As you can see, our friends Ee Yan and Shiew Woei
(victim 4 + 5) have made his day too.
Sorry if these look horny but everyone was quite innocent at first.
Starring Wee (victim 6), Kit (victim 7) and also Gatay (victim 8).
Nah, I'm not horny either. Truly!
After a touching photo session, Mr. Woo looked rather cheerful.
Now, we must really pray that those lovely bananas would help.
Here's a card done by Wee: Mescot of Mr. Woo!

So now, you're not gonna see him anymore in campus.
No more Brokeback Mountain, story treatments or script writing.
I think we're lucky to be his last batch of Screenwritting students.
So let's just wish him all the best for his future undertakings aite!! =)
T___T no more mr.woo ming jin in MMU..
We all r going to miss him~
wish him all the best!
*the photos are funny*
i'm so gonna miss his body language lar :(
and goodness the moment i received the banana tiara i looked like i'm on drugs
hehe... great fashion statement with the banana tiara :)
mr woo, we'll miss ya!
honestly i really like his talk n lecture even its like no full stop.. xp
simply bcoz there is no bullshit, he gives jokes, and the way he talk is so cute n his face is a total baby face! xD
Wuahahaha! I think I often observe his gestures more than concentrating on his language for films (loads and loads of unfamiliar words lad)!
Won't forget there's once when I fell asleep comfortably and then got caught by him in front of the whole class (goddam embarrassing haha)!
And yea sorry to say his lectures are really without fullstops! But then eh, would love to have it once again if we still have a chance... :(
just wondering, why bananas?
coz we always see him holding a banana after class.
kind of became his trademark already.
n i asked him :
Me: Sir ar, why do u eat banana everyday?
Woo: Mmm, ohh, ermmm...coz coz it's easy to eat :D erherherherher!
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