A new blog to spam in! *Chased by mob with pitchforks*
Anyways, Nad here.
Good thing Sem 1's coming to and end, eh? Here's to hoping the second round won't be as torturous, but here's also beating myself senseless for the unwarranted optimism.
Neways, I was thinking mebe some of us running underground student projects of the FA kind (Yes, I'm looking at you lot) should surface here to look for and share manpower. ;)
Good help is so hard to find these days...*Chuckles*
Moral, Screenwriting and MPD more to go, Ladies and Gents; Ain't no time to drop dead just yet!
Good luck to y'all and more. =D
And Val. Fine. You get your wish. XDXD
I Uploads something! HAH.

Its WIP and its all tablet. *sighs* Getting used to the darn thing is a torturous task, but so far he and I have made some degree of aqquaintance. I should have a night-type BG for the scene, but somehow I don't think the shading's hitting the right spot for it..and neither have I done night-light pics to begin with. Any tips, from the FAians out there?
Till then, Kiddies. THIS. IS FCM FAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! *Cough cough HACK*
Yaeeeeey it's nad's latest work! *screams* We'll always be your KIPAS hoho! =D And know what, ur words were rweeeeely touching and I appreciate your thoughts, a lot!!! Sanqiuuu nad sanqiuuuuu~ =D
P/S: I know it's 5am now but let's cool down forawild so we won't the wrong things. XD
won't do* (typo) =D
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