Photo: The 10th Batch of FCM-FA Students on a trip to MOY Office
Film Studies is finally dead, and now we have our FASStudio��������� born!
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FAQs on FASStudio���������
Q: What is FASS?
A: Originated from 'FA Studio', FASS is abbreviation of 'Film & Animation Students Studio'.
Q: How to pronounce FASStudio?
A: To get the pronunciation correct, f������s - st������������' d������ - ������.
Q: Why For-Ass'-Sake Studio?
A: Unofficially, FASS also means "For-Assignment's-Sake Studio" as it reflects our lives here.
Q: Who can blog in here?
A: FA people or the ones who are invited. (If you do have loads of interesting stuff to share with us and are keen to be part of our Author Community, please let us know!)
Q: Is FASStudio for FA students only?
A: Apparently it is not! Any FAians-related people are welcomed!
Q: Who are the FAians-related people?
A: All FCMers including our juniors, seniors and lecturers! Anyone on earth are welcomed to drop us comments!
Q: What kind of stuff do we post?
A: Infinity - from gossips to philosophies, from lame to interesting.
Q: About our "Let's Scream & Shout" box?
A: Always shout your thoughts about anything - with your name typed in the required field. FASS community has the rights to not entertain shoutouts without valid names.
Q: Why must we activate FASS?
A: For FA Studio people and everyone else to have a klatch online even after we leave the university - the key to never losing touch is never being unreachable! :)
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So now I'm gonna sleep till 8pm or I won't stop laughing like a cow again! Dinner or supper, please please wake me up! =D
P/S: Mermer says hi to all!
(Finally got her hands fixed)
Big love,
hahaa... for ASS sake studio~ alamak xD
Because we always stay awake for assignment's sake! =D
MERMIEE HELLOOO!!!! *Waves like crazy to the computer screen*
*Waves at Mermiee*
Bed time!
*teleport out*
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