"Photography & Representation"
by Roger Scruton
Let's chew it and share it!
Looking forward to see all the saliva! ♫
[P/S: Million thanks to moolembu Faiz.]
Val - kinda in the mood of

For - Ass' - Sake Studio © Since October 1st 2007
Hi guys,
If you like photography there is a competition in the digital camera magazine I entered some of my work I mostly have nature shots so I missed on a lot but 3 other categories are still open if you have some photographs submit them and see what happens.
I entered some please take a look and vote if you can. I would also appreciate any comment you have you can just post it right there next to the photo. They are not the best but I tried.
Hope you guys enter and win!
post your URL in the comment area here so we all can see your work and vote.Bet many of you have seen this before, and nah our blog should not resist cute stuff like this man! Enjoy the cute show from Bunny and look back at what we have been doing...
New school semester:
At the first week:
At the second week:
Before the mid-term test:
During the mid-term test:
After the mid-term test:
Before the final exam:
Once know the final exam schedule:
7 days before final exam:
6 days before final exam:
5 days before final exam:
4 days before final exam:
3 days before final exam:
2 days before final exam:
1 day before final exam:
A night before final exam:
1 hour before final exam:
During the final exam:
Once walk out from the exam hall:
After the final exam, during the holiday:
...When images of human faces are averaged together to form a composite image, they become progressively closer to the "ideal" image and are perceived as more attractive. This was first noticed in 1883, when Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin, overlayed photographic composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical facial appearance for each. When doing this, he noticed that the composite images were more attractive compared to any of the individual images. Researchers have replicated the result under more controlled conditions and found that the computer generated, mathematical average of a series of faces is rated more favorably than individual faces.[8]
Another feature of beautiful women that has been explored by researchers is a waist-to-hip ratio of approximately 0.70 for women. The concept of waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) was developed by psychologist Devendra Singh of the University of Texas at Austin. Physiologists have shown that this ratio accurately indicates most women's fertility. Traditionally, in premodern ages when food was more scarce, overweight people were judged more attractive than slender.
Inner beauty is a concept used to describe the positive aspects of something that is not physically observable.
While most species use physical traits and pheromones to attract mates, humans claim to rely on the inner beauty of their choices. Qualities including kindness, sensitivity, tenderness or compassion, creativity and intelligence have been said to be desirable since antiquity. However new research comparing what humans claim to find attractive to their actual mating habits underlines the superficiality of "inner beauty," underlining the fact that the human animal relies on physical traits and pheromones just like every other animal to find a mate. That said, whether "inner beauty" does or does not measurably affect humans' mating habits, some traits classified as "inner beauty" do give an evolutionary survival advantage to either the individual or mating couple or group or all three.
Here's a room for all FAians-related people to share the ups and downs struggling for assignments, to scream and cry for stress relief, and boast about everything from lame to interesting! We welcome comments from everybody in the world!