Val'd been asking me to share some stuffs in here. As hesitant (and weird) as I feel, here it is.
Something I just finished (or not). Started as a totally different piece, which really sickened me, it ended as something entirely different. Still not as satisfying as it could've been, though =<.

As aforementioned, the final composition was a derivation from a former unfinished work. Nearly upon abandonment, I decided to pick it up and give it a fresh idea. A fresh concept. Composition.
After lotsa tweak and turns, I settled down on this composition. The first few painting sessions was really inspiring and at the very least satisfying. It was a good learning progress. But upon completion it became....dissappointing. Towards the end, my colour senses became dull, and the forms in the piece're all haywire. Ugh.
I guess I was tired. An artblock kicking in really helped me to retire early on the piece; despite it being kinda unfinished. Prolly need to start on a new project to change atmosphere and all.
Concept wise, it's actually a visualization from an original title; formerly titled "busted bastards", now, untitled. The little box thingy is initially inspired by the ever-crackling little kodamas (tree spirits) from Hayao Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke.
Technique wise, most of the parts in this painting is painted manually using the default round brush in Photoshop. Different brushes are used occasionally throughout the production. Some extra layers are used for the effects and textures. Nothing of the exceptional, just applied some of your everyday photoshop techniques.
Uhh, don't know what else to say. I guess it's your turn to drop some insights. Be it comments, critique, suggestions or whatever.
That all being said, damn, I need to improve. Ciao.
i like the sky n jungle
Hey thanks Shahril! Love your entry!
Your characters are really cute, look kinda 3D... hmm I think the composition could be improved if you want to. My colleague thought the cave was translucent at first, but he complimented your work too! :D
P/S: appreciate your explanation on the technique used, will try it one day. :)
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