Hi all,
I was advised not to post this up, but I felt that I need to remind everyone the importance of these “rules” (nothing offensive, and I’m not pointing finger to anyone), it's just some general reminder to everybody.
Thanks Jason for the comment. I certainly know that my previous post is aggressive and it's going to hurt someone. As my previous post mentioned: one of your friends involved in a controversy problem... I didn’t know who he is but I knew he is from MMU FA, and the only channel I could contact everyone is through the FA blog. I just hoped the fellow could read the blog and stop doing what he was doing immediately... if he continuously posting those false information about the company on the internet, he can be charged guilty and get himself into trouble easily.
What happened was: someone somehow pretended to be a company's staff (actually he is not any of the workers there) and he stupidly gave out his own information by answering questions about that company in an internet forum - he was seriously breaking the law whether the information given out was true or false. He must consider himself extremely lucky as legal actions could have been taken against him. Anyway, later then I was informed that the problem was solved in a proper way, and the guilty person was actually another guy.
A lot of you are looking forward to the working life, everyone is so excited to go out and prove themselves, the motivation is high and the dreams are flying; yet... there are rules that you still need to obey. Silliest mistakes but deadliest penalties.
“Private and confidential” is what I would say... I believe everyone knows the term already. Every company has their own private and confidential information, especially those big scale companies. Most of the top secrets are not to be exposed, but some of it might be passed to the employee for working purposes. Those information are only allowed to pass among their staffs for the project to flow, it cannot be leaked out to the public (usually is stated on the contract you sign). I believe most of you are already 21 years of age, by breaking those rules, you could be charged by the Legal Law of Malaysia.
Anyhow, most of us still tend to share the information among our friends intentionally or unintentionally, as it is the nature of human beings to “gossip”. It is best for you not to speak out any single word, but if you do want to share, please just share with those trusted personnel or trusted friends; and certainly, you don’t post those information in the internet stupidly as those could be used as evidence to against you! Being framed would not be a valid excuse, you are still guilty for leaking those P&C information to public.
I hope everyone can take this seriously, the rules is for you to follow and not for you to break. And one last thing, please don’t ask about the salary of the company’s staff, is quite a sensitive topic to certain people.
Back to the FA blog, what kind of sharing do you all like to receive? Those “what a wonderful world” kind of things? I tracked back some of the post and almost all of them are praise, wonderful, nice work, showing out some of their stuff without any comment from their friends and some commercial kind of thing. What a heavenly peace post. Everything is so positive and when it comes to critic, everyone keeps quiet and don’t want to get involve. It certainly not my kind of world.
I'm very glad that Jason stepped out and do some criticism on my post. Thanks. I believe most of you have been offended by my posts but still chose to keep quiet. I have been doing this kind of criticism job for the pass few years and it is normal to receive aggressive replies from audiences. People feel harsh to accept the truth most of the time, and tend to cover it with some beautiful words. I’m not sure how much everyone can receive the pain when I posted up my 1st article a month ago. I tried to soften my words but I end up chosen to treat you as an adult rather than a young student. When it is good then it is good, when it is bad you'll take the feedback and you need to improve. I don’t mean that all my comments are good, but at least I voice out my opinions. That is what sharing means to me.
Well... my intention was to come here to help. But if you want this devil to go away from here forever, I’m more than happy to do so. :)