For - Ass' - Sake Studio © Since October 1st 2007
OUT OF LINE: Doodles & Dreamscapes
Art Exhibition
Date: 29 May 2008 (Thu) to 15 Jun 2008 (Sun)
Venue: The Annexe Gallery
Exhibition opening: Thu 29 May, 8pm
Admission: Free
Society and authorities draw lines around us everyday. What can we do about it? We draw more lines, of course. The Annexe Gallery presents 15 artists who were asked to create works with lines, but who were also challenged to step out of line. They show us how little or how much is needed to step beyond the line that prevents us from expressing ourselves. Have imagination, will travel!
The artists: Avroco, Chang Yoong Chia, Cheeway, Daniel Chong, Jerome Kugan, K Soon, Melissa Lin, Mun Kao, Pang Khee Teik, Saharil Hasrin Sanin, Sharil Nizam, Tey Beng Tze, They, Why, Wong Eng Leong.
Special note to interested collectors: This is a plum opportunity to purchase works at a steal as all the art are priced under RM1,000. Interested art buyers are encouraged to attend a special preview on Wed 28 May.
For enquiries, please contact:
Pang Khee Teik (HP: 012- 305 1135; Email: pang.centralmarket@gmail.com)
Visit http://cmannexe.wordpress.com
In conjunction with OUT OF LINE exhibition
Date: 7 June 2008 (Sat)
Time: 12pm ��������� 4pm
Stand to win the whole set of 16 limited edition t-shirts by the 16 OUT OF LINE artists!
1. Only draw on A4 paper.
2. The Annexe will provide the paper, for free! (Yeay!)
3. But you have to bring your own ball pen! Boo��������� (There is a stationery shop on the ground floor lah).
4. Each person may submit up to four pieces maximum, but each piece will be judged individually.
5. Each piece must be completed within one hour.
6. You must register to draw a new piece.
6. No more registration after 3.30pm.
7. There will be only one prize: the whole set of 16 limited edition tshirts by the 16 OUT OF LINE artists, worth a total of RM560.
8. Artwork by the winner and 16 honorable mentions will be displayed at The Annexe Gallery for the duration of the exhibition.
9. The winner and honorable mentions will be announced by 5pm. Winners will also be notified by email.
Wow…. Seem like everyone had a wonderful FA Fondue last nite. Chocolate~~ my favorites~~ Too bad I couldn’t join the fun..:( Too rush for me….
But anyway… I have something new to share ……
Anyone heard of Gobelins?
Anyone? Yes? No?
Below is the link to the school galleries…
Below is another link to one of my favorite animation short movie “Burning Safari”. It’s from Gobelins too….It is not a new animation anymore… but is still worth watching. Great animation, great modeling, great cinematography and humorous~~
And there is a making of for that animation clips. Watch it too; I believe you can gain a lot from there.
The making of burning safari
Ermm…….What if I ask everyone of the gamma students to set Gobelins as your target for next year FYP…. Can you beat them? Or at least equal to the standard that they have display? Tough rite… still has long long way to go….but no harm…. You aim higher and you will climb faster to reach it. Maybe 1 day MMU FA will become the talking point of all the art school in the world… or maybe next year will be that year…. Who knows who knows…. Haha…
Well… enjoy the galleries… ;)
Cheers again,
Hi everyone,
Hi there... this is the 1st time I post in FASStudio, I'm new in this blogger... so... hi... haha. For those who dont know who am I... well... just keep "dont know who am I".
I'm 1 of your FA seniors. I've graduated way before any of you entered MMU. I get to know about this FASStudio Bloggie site from somewhere, someone, and I'd love to talk to the FA Gamma students... and some Delta students perhaps.
I have something to share.This is my 1st post... so I hope is not too harsh for everyone. I went for the Delta FA industrial Presentation last Thursday, congratulations for making it a success... but in terms of the artworks, what I can say is... "disappointing".
"The worst ever presentation" since I entered MMU. Almost all the artworks presented are low in standard, some uncompleted work, some noticeable last minute work and many of the students did not even turn up for the presentation. Come on people you call this an industrial presentation, but have u ever taken it seriously and show some respect to the industry people? How could you display that kind of spirit and attitude to the outside industry? It almost embarrassed FA in many ways.
The industry’s 3 big names - Codemasters, Silver Ant and Moon FX attended the presentation, and it was the 1st time I heard such harsh criticism from them, calling the students as “living too long in palm oil estate”… “you wont get a job with the artwork”… “children’s cartoon”. I Believe those Gamma students who attended the presentation would have heard of these.
And I had no surprise… soon after the presentation my boss did mention that non of the students are qualified for interview unless they improve their portfolios... wasted the whole morning, that's the end of topic, and he never discuss more on any of the students.
Well, in my opinion there are still some potential artworks in within. Nothing outstanding honestly, the only artwork that is still playing in my mind is the “puppet” motion graphic. Even that doesn’t have a proper story telling.
I wonder why all the Delta FA students look toothless in their animations… They seem like still living in the box and never get exposed to the outside world. 3D is not a new topic in
You had spent your 2 years (or 3 years) as a Film and Animation student, had any of you took the initiative to study those world class animations? Or you just “enjoy” the movies like everyone else… if so what for you go for FA? Besides those featured animation movies, there are plenty of short animation clips out there that are worth watching. With such convenient sources everywhere nowadays, I don’t see a reason why the industry have to tolerate with the student's level.
For all the Gamma students, I have seen some of the artworks from you guys in YouTube, and I'm glad to see some of them are up to expectation. Especially the Motion Graphics, is quite good but I have some concern… most of you using the same style to present your works which is the freestyle camera movement moving all around the same platform with some interesting planes and low poly objects… It look nice honestly at 1st glance… but do imagine that if everyone is using the same old style during the presentation, 100 presenters have presented, and I believe I cant differentiate who did which Motion Graphics… and nothing is outstanding anymore. My suggestion is… try explore more styles. Get yourself out of your own thought and think of something that you have never imagined before. Get out of your own comfort zone and make your graphic special from others.
And, for Character Animation… still have long way to go. Study back your Principle of Animations. Remember you have 4 main things to focus on which is Staging, Texturing, Lighting and the Animation itself. Staging is the composition in your every scene and very much linked with texturing and lighting.
For everyone,
Lastly, I’m not trying to act like senior or grand master or something, I just don’t like to see the standard of FA falling year by year. For all Gamma students… I believe you all are going for industry training early next month. Try expose yourself to the industry, ask more, do more learn more and be less ego. It is a wild jungle out there, and you have to learn more to survive, and I believe you can do so.
I hope Gamma students will bounce back next year, and MMU FA students will always be the priority when they go for job interviews.
Hope it is not too harsh for my 1st post ;)
Thu 8 to Sun 25 May, The Annexe Gallery
Presented by Gajah-galah Gallery + The Annexe, Central Market
You are invited to the exhibition opening event on Thursday, 8 May, 8pm.
Officiated by the Norwegian Ambassador to
Refreshments served.
Presenting a stunning selection of na������ve art by 24 Malaysian artists
of various backgrounds from all over
Revel in the sheer visual joy of 100 canvases of rural and urban landscapes,
comical animalia and dreamy portraits executed out of a simple
(though never simplistic) desire to evoke wonder.
Curated by Prof. Madya Mahzan Musa, of Universiti Utara
Exhibition ends 25 May.
Annexe Gallery opening hours: 11am to 7pm daily.
For enquiries, please contact Zakiah Md Isa (013-331 0954)
Thu 8 to Sun 11 May, The Annexe Studio
Presented by Dasein Academy of Art final year students
Forty two students finishing their courses in graphic design, illustration
and fine art showcase their best student works in a variety of media
including T-shirts, books, typography, furniture, lamps, in addition to
paintings, the students use the theme of "deconstruction" as a starting
point for exploring their youth-fuelled arty aspirations. Opened to the public.
On Saturday, 10 May, 1pm, there will be a special talk
by representatives of the students and
by music performances from Flica, Silent Scenery and Dian Bang.
Exhibition ends 11 May.
Annexe Studio opening hours: 11am to 7pm.
11 May, The Annexe Gallery
Presented by Studio in Cheras,
"Through art, we can challenge many of our society's deepest assumptions.
When we challenge assumptions, we create the possibility for change."
On Sunday, 11 May, 1pm, Erica Eaton, co-founder of
the international artists and activists collective Evolutionary Girls Club, talks
about how artists can effect social change through their work.
11 May, Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Presented by BOH Cameronian and Kakiseni.com
Good luck to the following, whose productions at The Annexe
have been nominated for Kakiseni's 6th Annual BOH Cameronian Arts Awards 2007:
Pink by Taro Dance Theatre.
The Curse Of The Forbidden Palace by
Dua, Tiga Dalang Berlari by Five Arts Centre.
The Breath Of Life by Sumunda.
Tarap Man by Dramalab & Kualiworks.
And all the other nominees too. :-)
For the full nominee list:
Lastly, joining The Annexe this week as PR Officer (and Music Guy)
is Jerome Kugan. He's responsible for this less campy version
of The Annexe's mailer. For any media enquiries about events at the Annexe,
or just to send him nasty pics, please email JK at
Here's a room for all FAians-related people to share the ups and downs struggling for assignments, to scream and cry for stress relief, and boast about everything from lame to interesting! We welcome comments from everybody in the world!