Left: Kong Yoon Chen a.k.a. Yago
Right: Tan Qiu Rong a.k.a. Sampat
Wherever you see them around, grab them and kiss hard!
For - Ass' - Sake Studio © Since October 1st 2007
Here's a room for all FAians-related people to share the ups and downs struggling for assignments, to scream and cry for stress relief, and boast about everything from lame to interesting! We welcome comments from everybody in the world!
Happy birthday you both~ :D
Happy 21st darlings!!! Feeling old??? How's the celebrations lah both of you? We want updates!!! :D
LOL..sampat kong and rong pic.. xD
Happy buffday to u both! :D
Happy 21st!
yea yea.. 21st alr. shud be considered an adult alr i think. hyieh hyieh.... thank you for wishes and have fun in your intern ya.
ya ya true true... finally kong and rong can start doing all the "adult" things! *o*
Happy birthday!... sorry a bit too late... =P
happy bday
wah val...
so expert in 'adult' stuff o...
must be pro...>.>
me salute u!
seriously can grab them n kiss hard? !!!
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