Dear friends,
Yandsen, me and *perhaps Aziz will be jamming as REFLEX REACTION on this Saturday, 23rd August at the new FNBKL base in PJ. Also some wacky eletronic band from Manila playing with ex-MMU student Jazmi! There is a full day list of activities. Come out and have some fun!
Siew Wai
ACTION REACTION! -an introduction to fnbkl's new space – a day of happenings-community gathering, diy activism, discussion, sharing, skill sharing, exhibition and performances
23rd August 2008, Saturday, 2pm
no14. Jalan Jelawat 8/10, Seksyen 8, Petaling Jaya.
1. NO G8 japan holidarity – Yew Hun and Alind – 2.30pm to 4.30pm
The last G8 meeting was being held at Hokkaido Japan and for the first time friends from FNBKL and Kudeta join the massive protest and resist against capitalism, establishment, environment, and globalization. They will share their insight and experience there with vivid and vibrant photographs.
2. sepuluh tahun sebelum merdeka – Fahmi Reza – 4.30pm to 6pm
fahmi reza the director of the award winning film-'the most understanding human rights film' of freedom filmfest 2007 –will share his experience of making the film, the independent screening tour around the country, the present feedback, future plans and other things that he wants to share. http://10tahun.blogspot.com/
3. massa kritikal bike ride – Massa Kritikal – 6pm to 7pm
Massa Kritikal is a 'critical mass' chapter in Kuala Lumpur. They started the movement over here after the first bike parade in July last year. It's an autonomous decentralized movement where people make an effort to build a community of cyclist to ride in every city in the world as a direct action and to campaign for bicycle use in the city.
*whoever who wants to participate in the fun ride to fnbhouse pj from KL on the day of the event, massa kritikal will gather at the annexe central market, KL at 2.30 pm
4. community banner and flag making – Massa Kritikal – 7pm
the gang will invite people to participate in the banner and flag making that will be held at the park in front of the fnbhouse.
screening -7pm to 8pm
1. Tragedi Kg Berembang
-the documentation of wayang kadbod (shadow puppet) performed by the kids of Kg Berembang, telling their story of the tragedy of being evicted from their land and kampung by the city council and developers/corporation to give way to build condominiums.
shot by : Ebrahim Harris,
Edited by: Jimmy Choong
19 minutes
2. A Place Called Chiapas
-documentary about Zapatista movement in Chiapas
92 minutes
accosutic/sound performance - 8pm to 11pm
1. wolf of spunky funggy
2. D.E.P
3. the garrison
4. gangan ensemble (manila and KL)
5. reflex reaction
6. aiman of civil disorder and F.R.U
7. lai kong
our bukit bintang buskers- percussion, didgeridoo, jembe, etc
9. pancaroba
+open mics!! (if we still have time.. should be end before 12pm)
1. farhana
2. yew hun
3. abroko
4. poodien
5. melissa lin
6. rahmat haron
7. bebe
8. the mockmeat collective
to other groups, idealist, human rightist, artist ,activist ,tactivist, collectives:
Be impulsive, imaginative, and take this opportunity to bring down whatever you have (propaganda, fliers, zines, posters, old clothes, anything) to the space. Trade, sell, spread, or give it out for free. We welcome anything and everything! We need you!
Then again, if you really wanna, you can always call Poodien at 013 243 7092 or 03 79550941