I was just thinking of a suggestion that for this sem, I think the VFX ppl should gather together a form a filming crew so that all of us can do the greenscreen stuff together. Cos there's so many stuff like lighting, camera, props, talent.. etc. We can't do it alone. So I just thought it'll be cool if we form a small group (all the VFX ppl together) and then we take turns to help each other shoot for each of our VFX assignment. Plus, we can always share ideas on how to execute it best and learn from each other..
(I dunno about you guys but this sem I sure got some crazy ideas for my VFX shot :P)
Anyway, do give me some feedback about what you guys think
i not that agree with it. Ya, there are a lot of things to do in a film. but just a 1 min film and not much of elements. We can just put the light on the place we want and shoot.. thats all. somemore we have pro 2 tutors are helping. i think that is easy enough for us. Need not make it to be more complicated.
"We can just put the light on the place we want and shoot."
Kong, I think you don't forsee the problems that we are bound to face. I have done greenscreen stuff before. I know it is not as easy as light and shoot.
jason, I am in. good suggestion. we will form a team of those who wants to help each other. love your idea!
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