Friday, February 29, 2008
To Whom It May Concern
Have fun wasting time :)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It has been a while that I haven't post anything here.
any way, I just finished a 3D artwork and I want to share it with you.
click on the thumbnail below to see it.on CGTALK. there you can click on the preview to see a bigger version.
all the comments and critiques are quite welcomed :)

Sunday, February 24, 2008
To the appreciators & practitioners (late entry, sorry)
Super Sunday
Graffiti Art Exhibition
This is their first exhibition. What happens when they bring their street cred indoors?
Robin Fox
The sound + light event of 2008 in Malaysia!
Robin Fox is a Melbourne based sound and visual artist currently working with live digital media in improvised, composed and installation settings. He creates audio-visual works for the cathode ray oscilloscope, which have been released on the DVD Backscatter (Synaesthesia Records).
"Most spectacularly, Robin Fox successfully visualized sound with his superb laser show. Think of an oscilloscope, think of the scene in the intensive care unit when the green fluro trace flattens out to a straight line. Now think of that line like a bolt from the proscenium wall across the audience multiplying as it describes an astonishing variety of planes, thanks to the dry ice machine and a couple of mirrors. Fox's use of an audio controlled laser projector to demonstrate the geometry of sound was as elegant as anything you might experience in a concert hall or gallery." – Penny Webb, The Age Newspaper 26/06/2007
Also featuring:
Ang Song Ming (Singapore),
Akta Angkasa
EMACM Collective
ANAM (Scotland)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The Annexe Community Arts Initiative
The Annexe's Grants For Grabs is made possible by an inaugural donation of RM 50,000.00 by Fashion Inc's Mana Batik exhibition.
The Annexe at Central Market , which came into existence in January 2007, has become a space much loved for its accessibility, artist-audience interactivity and alternative nature. It hosts all manner of art form and expression and has attracted projects that are experimental, multidisciplinary and socially conscious. In an effort to help create an artistically aware and critical public, The Annexe also provides workshops that offer participants an avenue to gain new skills and perspectives, exchange views and express themselves. The Annexe's Grants For Grabs naturally follows this vision.
Funds up to a maximum of RM 15,000.00 per grant for art projects are available for art projects of all disciplines. Preference will be given to those that feature community arts exchange, sharing of knowledge and skills, and promote arts and social awareness.
Projects can take the form of:
- Community arts projects – exhibitions, performances, workshops with/about communities e.g. Indigenous artisans, persons with HIV, children in squatter areas etc
- Training and workshops – for the public or targeted groups
- Research & documentation of the arts
- New works in music, dance, theatre, writing, visual/performance art, multidisciplinary work
- Collaborations between artists and/or communities
- Others
Successful grantees are expected to provide:
- Interaction between the project and the public. This can be a lecture demo or workshop by the artist or the community with which the artist is working, to take place at The Annexe.
- Documentation of the project in written reports with accompanying photos, video documentary or publications.
- Exhibition/Performance is strongly encouraged. The Annexe should have the first right of refusal to host the event.
The Panel for Selection consists of:
1. Datin Marion D'Cruz, arts worker, Five Arts Centre
2. Jerald Joseph, director, Pusat KOMAS
3. Yee I-Lann, artist
4. Nani Kahar, architect, LabDNA
5. Kow Shih-Li, General Manager, Central Market
All arts practitioners based in Malaysia are welcome to apply.
For more details and an application form, please send an email to:
Tel: 03 2070 1137, 012 305 1135 (Pang), 012 207 5140 (Chung Wei)
Deadline for submission: Mar 15, 2008.
Projects can be currently active or due to start in the period of May 2008 and May 2009.
The Annexe's Grants for Grabs fund will be managed by The Annexe, Central Market.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Mentalray & Lighting Class
We understand that some of you guys are requesting a mentalray class. We'll try to slot in the class into the schedule if there's any availability. Else, look up for tutorials, do some reading and practice. You can come see any of us if there's problems.
Regarding Zahra's request for lighting class (last trimester), we have decided not to conduct the class because it has been conducted before. Plus, have some efficiency to read up and learn by yourself.
Somethign worth watching on Oscar Night

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Basheer is back!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Dear Student & Staff,
In conjunction with the Inner Esteem Motion Capture Studios, we would like to invite you to Motion Capture Workshop will be held on the followings:
Date : 26 - 27 February and 19 March, 2008
Time : 8.30am – 4.30pm
Venue : Motion Capture Studio, Kuala Lumpur
Learn about :
"The aim of the course is to enable participants to plan and implement the shooting of human motion in 3D through the use of motion capture. Course participants will gain a basic understanding of character animation and use of motion capture data, and will learn how to exploit movement patterns in other formats (media)."
Who Should Attend :
Savvy’s from Animation, Game Developers, Filming and Sports Students – Graphics Designer Student, Multimedia, Animators, Games Development.
Should you require further information, please contact Mr. Loy at 03-4045 8611 or handphone no. 019-319 9691 or Website :
Thank you.
Friday, February 1, 2008
VFX Production Crew

I was just thinking of a suggestion that for this sem, I think the VFX ppl should gather together a form a filming crew so that all of us can do the greenscreen stuff together. Cos there's so many stuff like lighting, camera, props, talent.. etc. We can't do it alone. So I just thought it'll be cool if we form a small group (all the VFX ppl together) and then we take turns to help each other shoot for each of our VFX assignment. Plus, we can always share ideas on how to execute it best and learn from each other..
(I dunno about you guys but this sem I sure got some crazy ideas for my VFX shot :P)
Anyway, do give me some feedback about what you guys think
More Holidays Please
Hey buddies!
Regarding those one-day breaks like our last Deepavali and the coming Chinese New Year (it was a one-day break when we checked MMU Calendar few months ago) - if you ever wondered how holidays are set for us by the administration, below are some explanations from the person incharge of Academic Programme, Accreditation & Coordination Unit.
By the way, hope you guys enjoy this Chinese New Year! :)
Dear Valerie,
The decision on the academic calendar 2007/08 was decided in Senate no. 112 held on 7th December 2006 which was chaired by Prof. Chuah on behalf of the President. Prior to that, the same was being discussed in the Curriculum Committee Meeting held on 10th November 2006 which was chaired by the Vice Presdient (R&D), Prof Chuah. The decision was made after taking various accounts into consideration. When APAC proposed to the members of Senate which comprise of academics of different ethnicity, we provided a few options for them to consider. After a long deliberation, the current calendar was decided upon and it was based on academic reasons.
If you look at the calendar carefully, CNY falls in the week 2 of the trimester 3. This means that after a 3 week long trimester break, you come back for a week and should we give you another week break for the CNY holiday, you will take a break again. Can you imagine the situation of the international students or other students whose hometown is in places only reachable by air will be if such a situation arises ? It will be a dilemma between cutting a week of class and coming back for a week of class and going on a holiday again.
In a year we have 52 weeks. 36 weeks will be taken up for classes, 5 weeks for examination and 9 weeks for end of the trimester breaks. It is also common knowledge that Malaysians enjoy a 2 weeks of public holidays in a year. With that, all the weeks in a year are already taken up. If we are to give a week break for each of the festivals Deepavali, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, we need another 4 more weeks in a year or two more weeks, the least. In reality, we have to work around the actual 52 weeks that we have. The academic calendar actually follows through from the previous year’s. In the 2006/07 calendar, we were lucky that the deepavali and hariraya celebration fell during the trimester break and the CNY fell during the week 4. Thus the Senate agreed to move the mid trimester break earlier. However, for the 2007/08 calendar, CNY is in the second week of the trimester. As for the Hariraya Aidilfitri, it happened to fall on the weekend before the trimester break. We had to ensure that the examination was over before that Saturday. Please also note that the Senate members also took into account that the 2008 CNY falls on a Thursday. The following Friday will also be public holiday and students can further celebrate during the weekend. Should you need to take the Wednesday off, please discuss with your lecturer to come to an amicable solution between you.
I hope you realise that we do not decide when the festive seasons come. We only decide when the classes, the examination and the trimester break should be and we accommodate to the festive seasons that come in between.
Thank you.
Academic Programme, Accreditation & Coordination Unit
Multimedia University
Jalan Multimedia
63100, Cyberjaya
Tel : +603-83125038
Fax : +603-83125142