Monday, May 26, 2008

Robot Wobot Mobot!

Yeahhhhhh just responding to kit's last post. so yeah! a wobot head!
based on motiofixo's logo (3 circles). a company where i used to do part time job (gamma) and my internship (currently).

come and visit our new website layout!


Kit said...

Wow, I'm happy that there is somebody who actually responded my entry. happy happie :D. Very nice~~~ how do u design all those wires and connection???? wua wua wua, share some tips pls~~ erm, and i would like to know who is painface ><

PF37 said...

wuuhhh haha~
i just draw it..
sometimes i refer to some engine or computers photos..

painface is ur no.1 fans kit! haha

bibimbap said...

there see i said got ppl really can add 2349598346523890 details on a robot!

hehe very ur style lo this robot :D

hey kit, i think u can tell who's painface by refering to his works! got his style one x)

holiday is so ciantikkk~

Kit said...

Wooo.... so painface is... hahaha
computer and engine huh, okie okie.
What a good idea. Thank u thank u.

vaLerism™ said...

This is so your style Shah! It's creative to put the logo onto robot's face! Eh why don't you lead us for FCM wall-painting??? :p

PF37 said...

haiyaaa vall!!
why did u revealed me!! haha!!

ps: its not that hard la kit~ seryesly u ken do better, since u're drawing skill is sooooooo pawerful than mine.